Category: Greens
Grass Greens will close for the winter.
From today, the 16th of April, the grass greens are closed for Winter. The lack of warm and sunny weather keeps moisture in the greens, and continued play will result in long term damage. Greens 3 and 4 are the only greens currently open for practice, coaching and social play. Outside groups are using the…
READ MOREPennant Update
Round 1
An update on Pennant Play for Saturday 13th of November.
Green 2 is now officially closed for the weekend. (more…)
READ MOREPennant Practice Saturday 30th of October
The weather has conspired to cause further disruption to the well laid plans that our Selection Team have made for Saturday 30th of October. (more…)
READ MOREGreen Update Friday 15th of October
We were alerted on Thursday the 14th that there was flooding on greens 1 and 2 following significant rain overnight on Wednesday. (more…)
READ MOREGreens 1 and 2 are closed.
We are working to repair a drainage problem affecting GREENS 1 and 2. (more…)
READ MORELatest News
Covid is keeping us away from the club and the game we all enjoy, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing happening at the BBC. See the latest newsletter here for some exciting club news.
READ MOREClub Closed Until Further Notice
To all our valuable members, In light of today’s announcement of Stage 4 restrictions, the board has come together to make the difficult but necessary decision to shut the greens and the club to all members. At this stage, the restrictions will be for the next six weeks and we will bring all the information…
READ MOREGreen 3 – Now Open
We are pleased to announce that our new surface on Green 3 is now open for play. There are some finishing touches required to install rink pegs and complete the line-markings. TWO PEOPLE PER RINK MAXIMUM There are only 4 rinks available for now. This means only 8 people at any 1 time are permitted on Green…
The club is closed until further notice. Members may have seen information published by Bowls Victoria regarding the use of bowls clubs during the new Melbourne Metropolitan lockdown. Details are available on the BV website —> here Clubs must obtain Local Council approval to enact these guidelines. We have requested this approval and as soon as Council…
READ MORE90 Years of History 1930 to 2020
Our club turned 90 in 2020. We celebrated the occasion on the 23rd of February 2020. Attendees watched a special video created for the day. The video shows the past, present and future of the Berwick Bowling Club. We’ve put a link to the video on YouTube or you can watch it here. Just press…