Grass Greens Closed
Grass Greens will close for the winter.
From today, the 16th of April, the grass greens are closed for Winter.
The lack of warm and sunny weather keeps moisture in the greens, and continued play will result in long term damage.
Greens 3 and 4 are the only greens currently open for practice, coaching and social play.
Outside groups are using the synthetic greens this Thursday
- The final week of Bowling with Babies this Thursday morning
- We also have a school group booked in between 11.45 – 1pm.
We need to refresh the lines on both greens. They will close during the painting process and to allow time for the paint to dry.
There will be requirements to play east/west during Winter as we are seeing evidence of wear and tear especially on green 3.
We’ll provide more information on this as it comes to hand.