Annual General Meeting

We are holding the Annual General meeting on Wednesday 17th May 2023 at 7:00pm

All members are encouraged to attend this meeting.

The Agenda for the upcoming meeting and the minutes of the our previous AGM, which was held on the 30th May 2022 are attached.

Nominations for the Board were due by the 11th of April. Eight of the 9 positions were filled by a single nomination, no election was necessary. The Facilities Section remains vacant, all members are asked to consider nominating for this important role.


Nominations for Board positions are:

Chair* Eddie Wilson
Vice Chair* Brian Monaghan
Treasurer* Helen Adair
Administration Officer* Zelda Hodgson
Services Section David Bond
Bowls Section John Rich
Funding Section Sean Young
Membership Section Cheryl Dawson
Facilities Section Vacant

*Indicates a two year appointment