Nomination Form – All Positions – edited March 29th
The Annual General Meeting has been postponed until further advice is received from the appropriate authorities and the Board will keep members informed accordingly however the process of nominating will continue.
Nominations are invited for any or all of the vacant positions within the club for the coming year.
Trevor Fry has elected NOT to serve the second year of a two-year term of office as Club Chair. Bill Stilo the Administration Officer, Bruce Shearer our Chairman of Facilities and Jeff Janetzki the current Chairman of Bowls will also not renominate for their positions on the board.
Barry Fisher will be seeking to continue with the 2nd year of his role as Board Vice Chair.
The term of office (in years) of each position is shown on the Nomination form.
Click here for a downloadable copy of the Nomination form.
Nominations close at 6:00pm on Friday the 8th of May 2020. Uncontested positions will be announced immediately after and should elections be required, further information will follow.
You must be a Full Financial member to nominate or be nominated for a position. Fees are due for payment on the 1st of April.
The date for the 2020 AGM will be announced as soon as practical.

Nominate for Club Positions