Orders for an updated Casual Polo Shirt are now being taken
We plan to do a new run of Club Polo shirts. Alan and Dennis are working with suppliers to design an updated polo shirt for casual wear around the club, and they’d like to get an idea about how many we will need to order. Please make your order below by the closing date. Shirts…
READ MORERound 3 Preview – Weekend Pennant
Welcome to Round 3 The 20/21 season is a whirlwind. With only 14 rounds to play every round carries more weight than any normal season. Here’s a quick preview of the matches ahead for Berwick in Round 3, and a reminder to everyone to get involved in the aftermatch round-up at the Clubhouse on Saturday…
READ MOREAustralia Day Skins Tournament – 2021
The annual Australia Day Tournament is scheduled for 26th of January 2021 The attached flyer contains all the necessary information for you to secure your place on the day. The Tournament Flyer is available here
READ MOREWeekend Pennant Round 1 Wrap
Round 1 finally took place yesterday After much uncertainty in the past months. We gathered at the club before our matches, it was great to see so many excited and enthusiastic people preparing to enjoy the day ahead. Our thanks go out to everyone who worked so hard to get us to this point. This…
READ MOREPennant Fixtures for 2020-21
Fixtures for the coming season for Berwick Sides are now available. Midweek Pennant* fixture can be viewed or downloaded here Weekend Pennant fixture –> here *Please note that the fixture for Tuesday 6 a Side and Thursday 7 a Side are for the Spring Season only.
READ MOREVolunteer(s) Needed – Wednesday Social Bowls Convener
After many years of toil to help convene the Wednesday Social Bowls events, Bruce Shearer needs to hang up the boots, and just enjoy his Wednesday afternoon without the need to run the day. Bruce has asked around for someone to step into the role, but so far his requests have met with a polite…
READ MOREWeekend Pennant Practice Round 3
Practice Session 3 Scheduled for Saturday 21st Nov at 1:00 pm. All matches are 21 ends no break. Masks must be worn at all times. 1.5m Social Distance at all times. Traveling sides Please ensure that you are aware of the restrictions on carpooling . The DHHS website states: Can I have passengers in my…
READ MOREWednesday Social Bowls will return on the 18th of November
From the 18th of November, our Wednesday Pairs competition will resume. Details and entry on the Wednesday Socal Page
READ MOREWeekend Pennant Practice Round 2
Practice Session 2 Scheduled for Saturday 14th Nov at 1:00 pm. All matches are 21 ends no break. Masks must be worn at all times. 1.5m Social Distance at all times. Club uniform is compulsory – side selections here Side 5 vs Pakenham All other sides are intraclub matches
READ MOREMidweek Pennant Practice 1
Midweek Pennant Selections are complete for Round 1 They can be found here and on the Midweek Pennant page of this website. Navigate to Lawn Bowls, Pennant, Midweek Pennant. Please remember to check the Covid19 page for any updated guidelines and changes Masks are compulsory at all times until further notice