Photo by Rowan Freeman on Unsplash
General Info and Administration

New Hoodies and Jackets are now in stock

We hope you are all keeping and well and trying to stay in touch as much as possible.  Hopefully, sometime soon, we’ll be all back at the club and doing what we love the most.

On a brighter note, for those that placed an order, the new club Hoodies and Jackets have arrived from Todd at Hooded Lyfe.

The new hoodies and jackets look fantastic

We are now taking direct deposit payment for your order and, once paid, our band of able board members are going to deliver them to your front door!!!

Now that’s service with a smile!

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

The bank account details are:
Bendigo Bank
BSB:  633000
ACCT: 108128091

Your reference should be Your name, Merchandise or Merch – eg:  RICH MERCHANDISE

Helen will advise us as soon as you have paid and we will get your new Hoodie or Jacket out to you as soon as possible.

Really hope you are all well and lets hope we are all bowling asap.

John Rich
Bowls Committee Chair