Bowls Section Update
Weekend Pennant has seen the home & away season for Div 2-7 completed. What a fantastic season achieving 6 of our 8 sides playing finals.
Those players in the 4th and 5th sides that didn’t make finals, do not underestimate your importance in providing depth, options and opportunities for our 6 sides to make the final four. Your attitude towards the club and pennant has not gone unnoticed by the selectors and we hope you can all join in the finals atmosphere and offer support and encouragement for our finals sides.
To Karyn Mackie, you have done an amazing job this season as Chair of Selection. You have run a tight ship and those that are on selection and have been previously have all said it has been a pleasure and the best selection committee they’ve been involved with. From selection meetings, through to administration and organisation you have achieved a great result. Well Done Kaz.
Midweek Pennant similarly has 4 out of 6 sides in finals on Tuesdays and 2 from 2 on Thursdays as well. Congratulations to the Midweek selection committee also, Richard Benning and David Bond have continued to organise the midweek pennant and along with Gary Wastell they have also achieved great results.
So, with the home & away series all but done it’s time to get on the green, practice with purpose and lets see how well we can finish off a great year. If you want to try some different drills there are still 8 or so on the slope that are very good for all players.
This coming Sunday 13th March we will be hosting Div 4 & Div 5 Section Grand Finals. Geoff Wright has kindly offered his assistance to find umpires and measurers for the day so if you can help out it will be great. David Bond is finding bar/kitchen help as well so again, feel free to make contact with these two gents if you would like to help out.
We will be hosting more finals over the next two weeks as well so stay tuned and let’s help each other out here.
We are losing some very talented and committed people in their roles over this season and I’d like to put it out there for volunteers to jump into their roles next season.
Andrew Bunnell is a quiet achiever, in the background handling our website, some social media work and our bowls secretary admin. He has decided to step down from this next year so if you would like to help out with our social media and website etc including some bowls admin please let me know.
Geoff Wright and Gary Wastell are moving north in the coming months/weeks. So we will be looking for an umpires chair which Geoff has done amazingly well with over the years and also Gary with his efforts on Selection committee for midweek and some IT in the background as well. We wish them both all the very best in their new ventures and will miss their contributions and their faces of course.
Congratulations to all winners and finalists, especially our 2021/22 Champions Carol Klooster and Ethan Mills. With most finals done and dusted we still have some underway and look to complete them as best we can but please be patient and positive towards our convenors as they are trying to deal with covid and the like and it is and will continue to be a very trying environment.
Our Fours Championship seems to be creating fantastic interest. Based on a handicap format that no four can have a total of more than 32 (based on handicap) we are seeing some great combinations of experienced and higher level bowlers playing with newer, inexperienced bowlers. This is great and should prove to be a great competition going through April.
This is a timely reminder and opportunity to remind all of our members of the club’s Code of Conduct (can be found in the handbook). We have had various instances of members and visitors not adhering to this and pushing the boundaries.
Remember, at the end of the day, it is just a game of bowls!!!!!
We all get frustrated at our own performance or with opposition players but again this is a timely reminder that you own your actions. The board and disciplinary committee have been relatively lenient with members this season but this will not continue and behaviour that does not see our club represented to the highest levels will be brought to attention. Have fun, enjoy our club and the game and we won’t need to speak about these things going forward.